Focusing on Achievement! 6 Things I have Accomplished in the Last 30 Days

I’ve been writing a lot lately.

Focusing on my trauma, processing new awarenesses, and connections.

They say it takes 28 days to create a habit, well I am about half way there on getting into the habit of writing daily.


Today instead of writing about all the ugly that I am feeling (which seems to be taking over this blog as of late) I want to focus on what I have accomplished in the last 30 days of disciplined focus here.

  • My blog is booming! Over the last 30 days I have nearly doubled the number of visitors to my site, compared to the last 12 months! And the interactions between you and I – they are up 30%! For me, this is HUGE!! I am so excited to meet all of you and to get to know you as we share our journeys with mental illness.
  • I have been published again on The Mighty! I re-visited a piece I wrote last year, edited it, reframed a few things, and submitted it. You can read it here, and follow me on this platform. Check out The Mighty in the App Store on your phone too if you haven’t already. It’s a great site!
  • Social Media!!! I have started up my twitter account again: @survivtrauma, and I have started an instagram account: @survivingchildhoodtrauma. I also have a pinterest for those who love that platform as much as I do. Please feel free to follow me on any of these platforms.
  • I have been working with two of my state legislators on drafting a proposal to revisit and revise the statute of limitations on sexual assault in my state. The current laws are far to lenient and they protect the predators. It’s time to change that. As that develops I will be sharing!
  • I have been contacted by a non-profit project working on a book series for mental health and health professionals addressing serious mental health issues. They would like to use my story for the book on trauma. I am so humbled and excited!! That is all I know right now but as this develops I will also be writing about it!
  • Finally, many of you have been visiting affiliate links on my site which directly supports my family and me as we struggle through my mental illness and it’s affects on my ability to function properly and work long term. Purchasing through my links is free to you and you dont even have to order the product you linked through, just use the link through my site for any of your online purchasing (though I do recommend all products I link) . Thank you all SO much! For those curious about what I am referring too – the links are at the bottom of this post.

The last five weeks of my life have been precarious but even through the storm, with diligence (and perhaps some hyper-vigilance) I have been able to stay focused and I am seeing positive results.

Healing comes from the source of my pain, that’s what everyone says. There is healing in finding purpose again because purpose reminds me of who I am. I am finding purpose in my writing.

Right now, I identify with my pain, with my abuse, and with the broken person it has made me.

It’s time to channel all of that processing, all those emptiness, vulnerabilities, and fears into positives in my life.

And as it turns out, that just what I have been doing.

Brag my friends: what have you accomplished recently that you are proud of?


Thank you for reading, if you enjoyed this post don’t forget to click like, and then follow my blog.

Please stop by and check out the essential oils that I use for coping and the books that I reference for clarity and understanding as I learn to live with PTSD.

  • Do you have a hobby? I make homemade cards as part of my self care routine.
  • If music plays a big role in coping for you, like it does for me, try this 30-day free trial and enjoy all the music you desire at your finger tips.
  • Products are linked to purchase for your convenience; and your support through my affiliate links (at no additional costs to you) help me maintain this blog and continue sharing my journey to heal.
  • Love & Support 💜💚


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